Faith in Humanity: RESTORED

dw438 writes in the Park Slope Message Boards: “I’m amazed, happy and proud of my fellow Slopers …”

“On Monday, I misplaced my bank statement and cable TV bill on 3rd Street near 7th Avenue. I imagined the worst. Identity theft up the wazoo. Made all the right calls, cancelled the credit cards, put the bank on alert, (same bank account for 25 years god love ’em) and called Time Warner for a duplicate bill.”

“Open my mail box this afternoon, and lo and behold both letters were there. Re-postmarked. Unopened. Some god took them across the street to the post office annex and remailed them.”

How many people have bought a paper shredder within the past 2 years? For the first time? I know Prospect Heights had a problem recently with a very identifiable Identity Thief making the rounds (and spotted frequently inside a Flatbush Ave. business).

LINK: Park Slope = Nice People [Park Slope Message Boards: ]

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