Moving From Park Slope to Bay Ridge

Positively snowy 4th St.

Originally uploaded by vermilionink.

cat writes in the Park Slope Message Boards: “I’ve been looking at apartments in Bay Ridge… I’ve heard that a lot of people from Park Slope have been moving there.”

“I know it’s *not* Park Slope (I actually have more favorite restaurants there than in PS tho’!) but any personal experiences or knowledge about it?”

Read replies: Park Slope Message Boards

31 Replies to “Moving From Park Slope to Bay Ridge”

  1. Because Park Slope has lost its luster for me over the last couple of years, I’ve been looking in other nabes, including Bay Ridge. I like Bay Ridge. It’s safe. Much friendlier than PS, definitely more of a ‘neighborhood’ feel. It’s also more diverse and, in a certain way, more cosmopolitan–I guess because the rift between classes isn’t quite so great there. If I find a place there, I’ll move there with a smile!

  2. Bayridge is nice looking but very unstimulating. No gyms, no parking, no artsy events, no food coops,very right wing,patriotic, religious,& family oriented in the traditional sense. All is fine if your moral fiber can stand it. You might like Owl Head Park but dont go looking for events there. Schools ok,private one are best. Transportation is a nightmare. Not all homes have driveways, some are shared and not private. Neighbors are just regular folk, no movie stars, actors, celebrity types,authors. You will be shocked at what/who lingers around Starbucks!Your kids will want to serve their country and God.will have short hair cuts and be respectful. For most Park Slopers its a no.

  3. I’m a fan of Park Slope, but to be fair, there are several gyms in Bay Ridge (NY Sports Club, Harbor Fitness, a few Dolphin fitness locations); while parking is not great, it is much better than Park Slope; test scores at PS 185 are actually higher than PS 321; Bay Ridge is a family oriented, patriotic neighborhood, but I’ve never seen anyone outside Starbucks who has “shocked” me. That being said, Bay Ridge is a less exciting place to live. I miss living in close proximity to the museum and the city, and if you’re looking to live next door to movie stars, actors and celebrity types, then I agree, Bay Ridge is not for you.

  4. I’m not suprised by these absurd comments about Bay Ridge, but they are untrue stereotypes for the most part. The things you cite as being negative about Bay Ridge are actually it’s greatest strengths. Sure, Bay Ridge is filled with ‘normal’ folks, which is great. It’s isn’t overrun by hipster transplants who drive up the price of everything from rents to a pint of beer. The people in Bay Ridge are fantastic. I may not agree with most of my neighbors politically, but as neighbors they couldn’t be better. The people here watch out for each other, and I never have to worry about my wife walking around alone. Beyond that, our neighbors have often lent a hand if they see my wife wheeling a huge cart of laundry home, or if one of us is carrying a bunch of grocery bags. In Bay Ridge your neighbors actually speak to you as a fellow human being, they aren’t out to judge how cool you are by what you’re wearing or how much money you make. It is a ‘normal’ neighborhood, which is such a refreshing change from the over the top hipsterism of Park Slope. It’s not so crowded that it takes 20 minutes to get a cup of coffee, or that you can’t walk down the sidewalk on a Saturday or Sunday. Even though I’ve only been living in Bay Ridge a fairly short time, all the people at my local deli, dry cleaners, restaurants and liquor store know me by name. It’s an actual functioning community with real diversity. Park Slopers love to go on about how diverse their community is, but that is wholly untrue. Park Slope has become so over the top expensive, that only a small slice of very well off people can afford to live their. Park Slope folks site the shrinking fast Puerto Community that have managed to hang on to their apartments through the gentrification as ‘diversity’. Bay Ridge has active Middle Easter, Swedish, Italian, Irish and Mexican communities, and all these groups manage to get along quite well. Unlike Park Slope, it isn’t a bunch of upper class white people with families, with a handful of college kids whose’ parents subsidies their rents. Bay Ridge has plenty of nice gyms, as well as several yoga studios, a very active bike riding community, the best skate/bike park anywhere in the 5 boroughs (Park Slope has plenty of skater kids but nowhere for them to ride), many many miles of great bike paths, several gorgeous parks and access to the shoreline.
    I think it’s pretty odd asking if your ‘moral fiber’ can stand to be in Bay Ridge,because the difference between Park Slope and Bay Ridge has nothing to do with morality, and everything to do with class and money. Yes, people in Bay Ridge aren’t as wealthy as people in Park Slope. Bay Ridge is the last solidly middle class neighborhood left in Brooklyn. It’s safe, it’s affordable and people here care about where they live. Just walk down any block and you’ll notice even the tiniest home will be spotlessly clean and kept up, and decorated for every holiday.
    After making all these comparisons, it’s time to deal with the elephant in thee room – cost. It costs about 1/3 to 1/2 less for a comparable apartment in Bay Ridge as opposed to Park Slope. It’s hard to argue with that. I’m actually glad that people like you exist to perpetuate the negative, untrue steretypes about the neighborhood because it will keep the rents low and the hipster transplants out of the neighborhood. So, if you’re sick of insanely high rents for tiny apartments, neighbors who don’t say ‘hi’ and could care less if you live or die and would never lift a finger to help you out, long lines and crowds everywhere, incessant smugness and elitism, then stay on the train a few more stops and check out Bay Ridge. You will definitely be surprised. Moving from ‘cool’ Brooklyn to Bay Ridge was the best move I’ve ever made.

  5. I agree with everything M.D. said. As a single female, I feel completely safe in Bay Ridge, the people are very nice and it does have a community feel. I can care less about whether its a Republican neighborhood, because I don’t vote according to the standards in my community. Ridiculous. By the way, I have a car and have been able to find close parking every single week. I love my neighborhood.

  6. To All of those Park Slopers out there:

    Just to remind you PS people, about 20 years ago, your neighborhood was run-downed, graffitti filled, crime-strickened sink hole. The only reason it came back was because of all the so called “New Yorkers” started moving in because you couldn’t afford the rents in Mahanttan. On the other hand, Bay Ridge has and still is one of the most wealthiest communities in Brooklyn. The very affluent came to Bay Ridge and it was mostly a summer get away (think hamptons) back in the early 1900’s. Even further truth to that testiment is a walk along Shore Road. Boasting multi-million dollar homes and a view to die for makes Bay Ridge real estate one of the most expensive in the city. As far as celebrities, how many and who exactly lives in Park Slope? Not many. And don’t count B actors as celebrities. So next you feel the need to compare neighborhoods, make sure you do your homework otherwise you’ll end up looking like a Park Slope idiot…and a wannabe New Yorker…

  7. i am really appreciative of the insight provided above…i am currently living across the street from prospect park and, although enjoy the view and proximity to the park, i am really considering moving to bay ridge…any ideas on how best to search for potential bay ridge apartments, i.e., sources of listings…

  8. Kenneth, we also lived across from Prospect Park and recently relocated to Bay Ridge. I agree with most of what is said here (some of the negative comments about Park Slope are excessive.) Bay Ridge is, in my opinion 20% less cool than Park Slope for 50% of the price. It offers almost everything that “The Slope” does except for other people’s beautiful brownstones, a few pricey shops, and prospect park. In return we have better views, proximity to the airport, and generally a safer, nicer community.

  9. Bay Ridge sucks. Please do not move here from Park Slope. There are people here who are just so Brooklyn with Brooklyn accents. It is worse than you think. Stay away. Do not move to Bay Ridge. Do not visit Bay Ridge. There is a parade in Bay Ridge for any American holiday (can you say Mayberry?). Stay out of Bay Ridge. After your kids leave their double strollers they will become flag waving Republicans and speak with Brooklyn accents. The girls will wear frosted lipstick, blue eye shadow, and have big hair. The boys will join football teams and/or boy scouts and get crew cuts. They will play Lotto every day and smoke cigarettes while waiting on 3rd Avenue for the bus to Atlantic City. It is a horror. The land that Bloomberg forgot, Bay Ridge. Grrrrh!

  10. I grew up in Bay Ridge. lived in Sheepshead Bay (real brooklyn) and now live on a park block in the Slope. Love the Slope, but don’t fool yourselves this is not Brooklyn. Neither is the Bay Ridge you are considering moving to. The Bay Ridge of 86 St and above is overrun with transported hipsters. The real Bay RIdge i grew up in is gone. The Italians who made it what it was, flew over the bridge. Its a nice neighborhood and if you stick to X27 you’ll still be in the City in 25 minutes. If you are considering moving, you ultimately need to ask yourself why? If its to escape the wannabe hipsters, you won’t. If its just to get a decent place at a normal rate, hey you can go even deeper into Bklyn. Another note, most of the kids I went to Fort Hamilton HS with, stayed in Brooklyn and seldom went to Manhattan.

  11. Help – I need advice!!! Although I love so much about my twelve years in Park Slope, my husband and I are considering moving to Bay Ridge. We have a little boy and need more space for lower cost – and I really love that Bay Ridge offeres parks, restaurants, cafes, etc. BUT… I am concerned about diversity. I am Irish American and my husband is from Jamaica. In the slope, I see so many bi-racial children it’s just incredible. During our recent walks in Bay Ridge (80’s and 90’s) we have not seen many African Americans or bi-racial couples. I really love so much about the area, but I’m worried that we (especially my son) will be an anomoly. Can anyone give me truthful information on the diversity and tolerance situation?

  12. Yeah, I agree with Joann, though she was probably kidding. Though, there is one good Indian restaurant – Taj Mahal. I’ve never liked Park Slope – it’s errie – maybe because of all that gothic architecture – plus yuppies. Not an award winning combination!

  13. okay, Bay Ridge is nice and yes cheaper and less diversified than Park Slope but what about what’s in the middle?? The up and coming neighborhood Sunset Park!! Plenty of Condo’s and like Park Slope it will eventually be a much pricier neighborhood so you should try to invest now.
    They are even building a pier that will connect thru the Sunset Park area and it is close to both neighborhoods and close to Manhattan. It’s becoming more diversified and like the New York Times said “Sunset Park is an up and coming neighborhood!!” so what are you waiting for?? check it out, I did and it’s safe and I’m getting such a deal by being in the middle of two great neighborhoods.

  14. I am a sculptor and my husband is a jazz musician. We have lived in Bay Ridge for most of our lives. We go into Manhattan all the time and we do not have perpetual brooklyn accents. We have moved to different apartments in the neighborhood plenty of times and each time we consider park slope. After talking with a real estate agent and being shown dumps for what we can get castles for in Bay ridge I say why bother moving to PS? An agent actually asked us “don’t you have parents that can help you out?”. It is true- we started to shop there (organic food and more choices) but realized that we were dropping a shit load of money to supplement the shop’s rents. And now we are noticing our local supermarkets are carrying more and more organic and veggie stuff. As for the ppl some of what is said is true. We do not feel like we can connect with most of the ppl here. We do not have a kid as of yet and it seems that thats all we see with ppl our age. We also see the close minded ppl with no schooling as well. But I have to say at least these are true Brooklynites. I bet you most everyone in PS are transplants funded by mommy and daddy’s money. I worked in PS one summer and thought I would go out of my mind with the clientele! Anyway, my husband and I want to move eventually – to experience other parts of the world- but for now I will be keeping it real and take the mile long walks along the shore, eating the excellent indian food at Taj Mahal, the delicious food at First Oasis (they used to be in the west village – does that count as a celebrity?) and buying awesome food from Samia’s, working out at Harbor Fitness (which is also in PS) and feel safe walking at night. I also won’t be bothered by panhandlers (is that your multi-ethnicity because all I see are rich white folks ) and feel racial tension. I won’t be charged $3 for a bottle of water and $1 for a candy bar. True- I don’t think while I am here I will see an Obama sign on the lawn (wait I did see one) and I won’t see any Jeopardy contestants (but there was one from SI and you know that place is so much worse) but I will enjoy my life doing what I love and being with my love no matter what neighborhood I am in. I hope that answers your questions šŸ™‚

  15. I lived in Park Slope for 9 years and moved to bay ridge one year ago..My sister has lived here for 10 years..I love bay ridge, I went from a very busy area to a nice quiet block..I feel like I can breathe (almost like living in the suburbs but cooler)….The people are very friendly.Who cares about seeing a celebrity here or there, I rather see real people not fake people..I actually found many people in park slope to be a little full of themselves..I also have a 2 1/2 year old son and am very happy with him growing up here..Did you ever go to the Barnes and Nobles on 7th uhhhhh why were kids laying all over the floor…I could not even look for a book..I want my child to grow up with a little respect and not think he can do whatever he want’s whenever he want’s …Although my husband liked Park Slope (he seemed a little impressed with the people there)
    a good family makes the child not people with interesting jobs in a neighborhood.. And the starbuck’s comment is crazy..The only starbucks I hated was on 7th Ave every seat was taken with people on their lap tops …Don’t they have a home….I love Bay Ridge very glad I made the move I was here every day anyway…I mean century , come on I rather shop there then in every overpriced store in th slope……

  16. Taylor:

    Your teacher doesn’t count. She’s from Salt Lake city! Ha ha šŸ™‚


  17. What’s the objection to Brooklyn accents among Brooklynites? Concerts and theatre may be scarce in the community, but Broadway is a train ride away. Also, diversity in intelligence is generally found everywhere. Check the local school scores and you’ll see Bay Ridge rates much higher than most places in NYC.

  18. I’m thinking of moving to Bay Ridge. As a lifelong Brooklynite who lived in Park Slope when you could buy a Brownstown for $100,000 but couldn’t afford it then. I also remember when everyone was fleeing New York except for those of us who stayed because we didn’t have enough money to leave.

    So here I am wondering about moving to Bay Ridge and the only real concern I have (like most true New Yorkers-at least those with cars) is what about the parking? I come home after 8pm most nights. I’m looking at places in the 90’s. Will I have to drive to park slope to find a spot? Will I need to take a cab home from the parking spot?

  19. I grew up in Bay Ridge my entire life and have never come across another neighborhood in Brooklyn that offers the same warm, neighborhood feel. Honestly, I have been startled and terrified by seeing other areas! Bay Ridge has 2 avenues lined with shops, restaurants, cafes, etc, mostly delicious and affordable. Not to mention an important factor while considering a move, it is extremely safe! My family & I have kept doors unlocked and valuables outside, and never had a problem. We know every persons name on our block and everyone looks out for each other. I walk home from bars on 3rd avenue at night and never even think twice about it being safe. Its a short commute to Manhattan, especially with the express busses from Shore Road. Schools are fantastic, both public and private. I went to an amazing, ivy league, private high school Poly Prep Country Day School and had the best experience of my life. My friends went to other Catholic schools in the area and loved them too. There are huge huge homes, I mean they look like castles, for well over 2 or 3 million dollars, anywhere in between 3rd avenue down to Shore Road. Its New York City with a suburb ian feel, with greenery and possibly a pool in your backyard if you splurge for a huge home. I absolutely love the area.

  20. Bay Ridge is a GREAT place to raise a family. It’s safe, secure, yet you can give your child/children freedom to go out and walk along the ave. without fear of danger. I disagree with the lack of culture comment. You have the subway within a 6 block radius, you can walk to the train and take the R to Manhatten. It’s easy to get places, and there are nice people who have nice families. My parents raised me here, and I am proud to say I want to one day raise a family here myself.

    take it from a 21 year old. Its perfect.

  21. P.S- parking is good. sometimes its hard, depends which block or street. Your usually good on Colonial.

  22. We had to visit a relative in Bayridge,and walking around that area was beautiful,but I noticed a lot of Puerto Rican guys and Moslem guys and I got a bad feeling about the area in terms of rude behavior towards women.I asked around ,and people gave me the real lowdown on the area,and all is not well in this oh so safe place.

  23. Well, yeah, i agree with bobby g here, the italians are pretty much gone from Bay Ridge, we live ina nice building filled with Puerto Rican and Muslims, it is pretty sad to see where we going, the area will be abandoned by normal crowed in a bout 2 years or so..

  24. The good, hardworking-family-oriented people of Bay Ridge do not want bleeding heart liberal-yupster-gentrifiers destroying the lifestyle they have established over the years, because they think they are “pioneering” “cheaper” living and bringing such an “original” CULTURE. People are complaining about food coops? Artsy events? Move to Williamsturd. Park Slope’s “Intellectual Revolutionaries” make the rent and home prices shoot sky high and the next generation of real Brooklynites unable to afford what is now the average multi-million dollar home. Get the hell out of this fine borough, or at least stay above the damn South Prospect Line; this is NOT Manhattan.

  25. Wow–I’m astounded at some of the comments. I’ve lived in Park Slope for almost 10 years and for those anti-Bay Ridge commenters who think they are somehow superior beings because they live in PS–wake up and smell the fair trade coffee. To be sure it’s a lovely little neighborhood but it’s elitism is thinly veiled and regular “folks” such as myself (and family) can’t afford to live here anymore. And the comment about if you live in Bay Ridge your kids will be respectful?? Geez–god forbid THAT happens and they become the whiny, entitled BRATS that walk the precious park slope streets.

  26. I’ve lived all over Brooklyn. No need to get negative. Comparing Bay Ridge, Park Slope, and Sunset Park, I’d say PSlope is the best if you’re single looking to date lots of people or find a special someone. Ugly as it is, SPark might not be far behind, given the gentrification. Having found someone though, Bay Ridge is miles prettier and square feet come a heckuva a lot cheaper. Surrounded on two sides by water, the heart of it devoid of any commercial buildings, wide open skies, and SAFE walks at night. It’s true, it’s not a dynamic young person’s community, but it is probably a more dynamic family-oriented community than PSlope. With cheaper rents, more space means more room to be artistic. Furthermore, anything can happen anywhere, but the chance of being attacked is lower in BRidge. If you’ve been attacked and don’t like it, then you’ll know what I’m talking about.

  27. As a Bay Ridge native (without a Brooklyn accent) I’d like to ask why people would judge a place to move based on the accent of the residents? So you wouldn’t move to London, Paris or Chicago because they have an accent that’s different than yours? That’s ridiculous. Bay Ridge is so ethnically diverse, you’ll hear a lot more than a Brooklyn accent. I can count 5 gyms off the top of my head (not to mention the great bike bath along the water), tons of different restaurants with various ethnic cuisines and a fair amount of arts and culture events–you just need to open your eyes! There are multiple small theater groups, a botanical garden, an annual arts festival, an art gallery and the annual Storefront Artist Walk (that attracts artists from the “artsy, hipster” places like Bushwick.) There is a food co-op in the works, that currently has a buying club, plus there’s a CSA and a small farmer’s market on Saturdays. If you’re concerned about who’s hanging out at the Starbucks coffee chain, perhaps you should try one of the independent coffee shops (there’s plenty.) Sure, there’s a lot of Republicans, but there’s also multiple Democratic clubs as well. What’s wrong with living with regular folk and no movie stars, actors or celebrity types? If you want to meet an author, go to one of the many author book signings at our independent book store– The Bookmark Shoppe. Unless you’d rather go to the Barnes and Noble chain store in PS after you get your coffee at Starbucks. Perhaps your “moral fiber” would feel better supporting local independents! If you like wine and specialty beers and artisanal items, head the The Owl’s Head wine bar–run by a local artist. The arts community in Bay Ridge is stirring and I predict there will be a lot more to do in the next couple of years. And if it’s not stimulating enough for you–get involved! If you’ve got great ideas, than start something yourself or find a pre-existing group and volunteer to plan new events and activities. Don’t expect everything to be handed to you– life is what you make of it!

  28. We’ve just found a home in Bay Ridge. We studied, visited and saw places in every surrounding neighborhood – we’ve lived in Park Slope, Windsor Terrace, Ditmas Park… and are looking forward very much to Bay Ridge. We’ll be at 72nd and 3rd… and for me, the walk there… the street with shops and restaurants is even nicer than Park Slope… but that’s my feel… and we are raising a young 2 1/2 year old daughter… we’ll be in a beautiful limestone castle… and now we can afford it! I prefer stores with real things in them, restaurants with that old New York feel, as well as the ethnic variants to… boutiques, but that’s just me. As for Politics, the Ridge now has a new family who supports our President very strongly… I’m not worried about meeting folks with different ideas… I’m sure the subject will rarely come up. Also the Slope is getting insane with traffic… I don’t mind moving further away from the Stadium… We are also zoned for a good school in case my daughter doesn’t like tests… she is gifted and we should have a good choice of schools. Can’t wait for the move… we’ll spend this xmas unpacking in Bay Ridge and breathe a sigh of relief as we do it! Any one need music lessons? – Happy Holidays.

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