Bollards: Will Pedestrian-Hostile NYC Join the Rest of Western Civilization?

Must read: Aaron Naparstek’s lengthy treatise on Bollards, the hardened steel, concrete or stone posts buried into the pavement of city streets and sidewalks:

corner.jpg-762414.jpg“In Northern European cities, you see bollards all over the place. They are used to make sure that if a motor vehicle accidentally jumps up on to a sidewalk, pedestrians are protected. Bollards are a kind of urban preventative medicine. They stop crashes before they happen.”

“We have bollards in New York City. But … rather than using them to protect people, we use them to protect things — fire hydrants, pay phones and important buildings into which we believe terrorists might want to drive car bombs.”

“…There is often a sense in New York City that motor vehicle traffic is akin to a natural phenomenon… we’ve become conditioned to motor vehicle carnage as the natural order of things … It’s no wonder. In the same week that the Reyes family was run over there were at least three incidents of vehicles jumping up onto the sidewalk and doing serious damage to people and property in Park Slope, Brooklyn, my neighborhood.”

“Bollards are cheap and easy. Even some of the most run-down and industrial parts of East Berlin have pedestrian bollards … We could afford this if we wanted. We could show they are successful and worth it …”

GAPtraffic.jpg-730043.jpg“This sad state of affairs on NYC’s streets is slowly beginning to change. Last year, a group of Park Slope advocates, myself included, teamed up with the Prospect Heights Parents Association and Transportation Alternatives and successfully lobbied DOT to install protective bollards around the intimidating traffic island in the middle of Flatbush Avenue between Prospect Park and the Brooklyn Public Library.

“It’s not ideal. The traffic signals are still timed in such a way that they trap pedestrians on the island in the middle of Flatbush. They could have done much better.”

LINK: Making NYC’s Streets Safe for Hydrants & Pay Phones []

DISCUSS: Park Slope Message Boards

Tempo is a “Top Newcomer”

As reported on MSNBC: Zagat has listed TEMPO as one of the “Top Newcomers” in its annual New York City restaurant guide, which was just released. Here’s what they say:

03tempo.jpgTEMPO, 718-636-2020. “Manhattan-style dining comes to Park Slope, [Brooklyn],” via this “terrific” new Mediterranean offering “robust flavors” in “big, airy” “SoHo-like” digs. Though “service is Brooklyn friendly,” locals better “be prepared to spend” like they were in the city.

FOOD 25 | DECOR 23 | SERVICE 23 | COST $49


New Park Slope Restaurants: Tempo [The Food Maven]

Tempo Starts To Go Service [Eating For Brooklyn]

Lisa J. Curtis Reviews Tempo, Chef Michael Fiore’s new Park Slope Restaurant []

Discuss: Park Slope Message Boards

Rare Device

designsponge-raredevice.jpgDesign Sponge reports on Rare Device, a new design boutique opened by Rena Tom, a jewelry designer, on 7th Ave. between 15th and 16th Sts.

Design Sponge’s picks include “cards from one good bumblebee, jezebel and pancake and franks, j mendicino pottery, tonfisk designs, sharon spain anything, paperdolls creations, and ona’s beautiful tea bowls.”

Rare Device Review: Design Sponge

Discuss: Park Slope Message Boards

Mugged by Fresh Direct Delivery Guy?

Tessa writes on NYC Metblogs: “…The guy put his foot in my door and would not let me close it, demanding his tip. I tried to close it, my heart beating faster realizing I’m a single female who lives in a studio with all my neighbors out already for the night. I think by the third time, he realized it too, pushed his way into my apartment and demanded I give him money.

“I gave him all the cash I had which amounted to only about $10 … I immediately closed my door, shaking violently (still currently at this moment), locking all three locks and then got on the phone to Fresh Direct…”

Read more: Tessa on NYC Metblogs

Discuss: Message Boards

Co-Op “Cell Rage” Could Perpetuate Lousy T-Mobile Coverage in Park Slope

Today in the New York Times: “Like many shareholders in his 72-unit co-op in Park Slope, Brooklyn, Jay Joe Jakubowitz was furious in July when he received a letter from the building’s board of directors announcing that cellphone antenna equipment would soon be installed on the roof above his eighth-floor apartment.”

“… a civil war of sorts has raged in the building at 130 Eighth Avenue, one that started with basement meetings full of shouting and culminated last week with the decision by a group calling itself Concerned Shareholders to hire a lawyer to try to stop the project, which was authorized by the co-op’s board … the opposition group … represents 25 apartments. A board member also quit in protest.”

“At issue are three radio base stations and six antennas. Tomorrow, T-Mobile USA plans to begin installing them atop the co-op, an eight-story red-brick building on Carroll Street and Eighth Avenue, within the Park Slope Historic District. The equipment will weigh more than seven tons, and its 15-inch-tall antenna panels will be bolted to the parapet. In exchange, the co-op will receive $1,800 a month from T-Mobile USA.”

Link: Cell Rage Roils a Co-op on a Historic Block [New York Times]

Discuss: Park Slope Message Boards

Leaning Tree Falls, Crushes Car

carcrushestree.JPGOnly the Blog Knows Brooklyn reports:

“Wednesday at approximately 3:30 p.m. on Berkeley Place (btw 6th and 7th Aves.), a London Plain tree fell on a red car that was parked on the street… The tree, like many trees on the block, had been leaning dangerously for a long time. The NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, which has jurisdiction over all trees growing in the public right of way including trees along streets, had been notified about the problem by block residents…”

LINK: Tree Crushes Car [OTBKB]

Time to Retire the “Hipster” Epithet


chippenziedeutch pontificates: “‘hipster’ is sooo 2003… Nowadays, it’s Whatever-You-Are-Currently-Into + ‘mafia’.”


“I went to the Tea Lounge last night, but couldn’t get past the Toddler Mafia.

“Going to see the Portastatic and John Vanderslice show at Southpaw? It’s sure to be filled to the brim with the Horn-Rimmed Glasses Mafia.

“I stopped going to Great Lakes once it got overrun by the Hipster Mafia.[Please note acceptable use of “Hipster” in modern “Mafia” context – Ed]

“I went to 2 Toms for dinner last night. It’s an old standby for the Mafia Mafia.


SOURCE: chippenziedeutch in the Park Slope Message Boards

Bucolic Bistro or Beer-Stained Bar?

Bern-200fifth.jpgIt’s joshb day in NY Press. After you are done reading his “little treatise about Prospect Heights and psychosis”, check out Diplomatic Fanaticism, a tribute to everyone’s favorite split-personality bucolic pregentrification-era eatery/beer-stained sports bar:

“I hail from southwestern Ohio, land of chili-topped spaghetti and the Cincinnati Bengals. In their own unfortunate ways, they’re both horrible. Yet for the first time since Home Alone was a hit, it’s October and the Bengals are undefeated. Where do I watch this Halley’s Comet season?”

“Park Slope’s 200 Fifth. It’s like Ellis Island for the sports-fan Diaspora. Vikings rooter? Texans supporter? Chargers cheerer? No problem. Every game is broadcast every Sunday. This makes for a jersey-clad, backward-baseball-hat-wearing melting pot of men and the occasional woman—not so unusual, given that this is Park Slope.”

200 Fifth | 200 Fifth Ave. (btw. Union St. and Sackett St.), Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY. 718-638-2925.

Discuss: Park Slope Message Boards

Brooklyn Superhero Supply

bklynsuperhero1.jpgRecently on Forgotten New York: “When I passed this storefront at 372 5th Avenue near 5th Street, I assumed it was an elaborate movie set (Spiderman III?) or an expensive joke, but it turns out “Brooklyn Superhero Supply” is a spiffed-up tutoring center for neighborhood kids, known as 826nyc, that opened in June 2004.”

“Why 826? It is an offshoot of an original center on 826 Valencia Street in San Francisco; it has a Pirate Supply Store, at which September 19 must be a big day. The whole thing was started by belles-letterman Dave Eggers of mcsweeneys fame.”

Walking Tour: Street Scenes, 5th Ave. [Forgotten New York]
Article: Bruce Wayne is on the Mailing List [Gotham Gazette]

Park Slope Message Boards

The Squid and the Whale

The family drama set in 1980s Park Slope. Who’s seen it?

Here’s a good trailer.

Also good is the New York Times review, which starts out like this:

“One of the ruling assumptions of American popular culture – or at least of American independent movies – is that everyone’s adolescence is uniquely miserable. Once we’re safely afloat in adulthood, though, we can begin to recognize the universality of our earlier experiences, and we can be grateful when, amid all the prurience and sentimentality that attend representations of adolescence, someone manages to get it right.”

Discuss: Park Slope Message Boards


Two Men in “Sex Act” Shot and Robbed

In today’s Daily News: “Two men were shot and robbed by a gunman clad in dark clothes early yesterday morning in a gay meeting spot in Prospect Park … The gunman shot a 29-year-old in the thigh about 5:30 a.m., then pumped a slug into the chest of his 28-year-old companion and swiped a gold chain from his neck, police said.”

The men were engaged in a sex act when the trigger-happy thug pounced on them in the wooded Vale of Cashmere, a gay hangout dubbed Boys’ Town, police sources said…” Read more…

Link: 2 gays shot in Prospect Park [Daily News]

Discuss Park Slope Message Boards

Montauk Club / Open House New York Weekend

Photos of Open House New York 2004 in Brooklyn:

openhouse-bk-4.JPGJessicaSophia writes in the Message Boards:

“The thread about Open House New York got me to thinking about Montauk Club. When my fiance and I were looking for a site for our wedding, we toured the Montauk Club and actually considered becoming members (partly so we could say haughtily, “You must dine with us at the club!”

“…is anyone here a member? Please dish! It seems like a cool concept to be part of a social club.”

Montauk Club Members? [Message Boards]
Open House NY (Discussion)[Message Boards]
Open House NY official site []

PS. What is Open House NY? daveb explains: “for those who don’t know, this weekend (Oct. 8-9) is Open House New York. I can vouch that the electrical plant tour at Pratt is freakin’ amazing. Here’s some close-up photos from last year:

Cocoa Bar Chided for Improper Capitalization

From lowercase L, a Park Slope blog dedicated to William Levin’s obsession/annoyance with hand-written signs with letters in all-caps, except for the letter L (“It looks like an uppercase i … WHY DO PEOPlE WRITE lIKE THIS?”):

glassofpino.jpg“This chalkboard menu sits outside the new Cocoa Bar, a coffee, chocolate and wine lounge around the corner from me on 7th Ave. in Park Slope, Brooklyn. What makes this sign extra special is not just the GlASS, but the GlASS of PINOT BlANCO … or is it BIANCO?! See, Pinot Bianco is the Italian term for a varietal pressed from the family of Pinot grapes, and Pinot Blanco is the Latin term. So is this a case of double lowercase L’s, with GlASS and the Latin BlANCO? And then there’s that GIANDUJA Chocolate …

William concludes: “I am reluctant to patronize this establishment, at least until they fire the employee who wrote this menu.”

Check out this Discussion of Cocoa Bar in the Park Slope Message Boards.

Where Can I Find a Notary Public?

New on the Park Slope Parents website: a list of Notaries in Park Slope.

To date, they’ve got contact information and specifics on Berman Realty, Neergard Drugstore, Ansonia Chemist, Prospect Gardens Pharmacy, Palma Chemist, 7th Avenue Jewelers and Time Pieces, Accentiques Antiques, and the insurance office on Union between 7th & 8th St.

So, lots of pharmacies and real estate offices offer Notary Public services. What’s missing? We can add that the M&T Bank on Flatbush Ave. has free notary services (customers only).

What else? We’ll compile a list and forward it to Park Slope Parents.

Discuss Notaries in Park Slope. Add another to the list.


Steinhof: $3 Jevers and Schnitzel Sandwiches


Dope on the Slope exclaims: “Steinhof ist ausgezeichnet!”

“I have to give yet another hearty endorsement … after a stellar performance Sunday evening. …around 4:00 in the afternoon, and we agreed to meet at Cafe Steinhof for drinks and a snack.

“… beer was only $3 a pint, as it always is during happy hour – even on weekends! We snagged a table on the sidewalk, ordered a round, and after a few Gaffel Kölschs, Köstrizers and Jevers, we were joined by several of my friend’s buddies who just happened to walk by while we were sitting there. Before we knew it, the table was piled high with schnitzel sandwiches, bread dumplings in mushroom broth, chicken paprikash with spaetzle, and a smoked trout salad…”

Link: Dope on the Slope (Image source:

Discuss restaurants in the Park Slope Message Boards.

Hole Sweet Hole

Over on whimperandwhine: “It has been months (10 to be exact) since I moved out of my 1-bedroom on 5th Avenue and Garfield place to make room for the controversial Commerce Bank…”

“Here is what the site looks like today. Looks like the last thing this neigbhorhood needs is another ______. Bank? Baby? Boutique? What is the last thing Park Slope needs?”

Long discussion of the big hole on 5th Ave.: Park Slope Message Boards

Developers Ram Through 30+ Mega-Developments in Sleepy South Slope

“Yeah, yeah, hurry up and give me the fine already…

I’ve got a work crew on illegal overtime!”

Image from South Park Slope Blog: “180 15th Street.
Images taken Friday September, 23. 9:30am show
foundation work being performed without permits.”

Reported in the Daily News: “As the clock ticks down on plans for a massive rezoning of south Park Slope, developers are scrambling to squeeze in controversial projects – while angry residents are battling just as furiously to try to stop them…”

“Advocates say developers routinely ignore stop-work orders, or pay the fines and keep building.”

“The so-called downzoning of the area could take effect as early as November and would bar developers from building 12-story buildings on residential streets now lined with two- and three-story homes. But in the meantime, residents charge, the countdown has sparked a building frenzy by developers trampling Buildings Department regulations as they rush to lay foundations before the changes take effect.”

RANDY PEERS (CB7): “In terms of construction, it’s out of control. It’s a war zone… On every block, there’s two or three construction sites. Between the trucks and the bricks and the noise, it’s outrageous.”

AARON BRASHEAR (Concerned Citizens of Greenwood Heights): “It’s going to totally change the neighborhood … On my block alone, we’re tripling the population in one fell swoop.”

Pity the Poor Developers

From the Brooklyn Downtown Star: “Architect Robert Scarano, who delayed the construction of his buildings to comply with community concerns has become disenfranchised with the process, which has left his client, who invested his life savings in the property, with much less space to build than expected. ‘These are not Donald Trumps … They’re not even as big as the people who are going against them.”

The Minerva Scam

More from the Downtown Star:

“Scarano’s original plan would have impeded the historic view between the Statue of Liberty and the Statue of Minerva at Battle Hill in Greenwood Cemetery … It is said that the gaze between the two statues must be preserved because it represents freedom and is the reason the Statue of Liberty was built facing Brooklyn.”

“But Hermian Charles, a 16-year resident of South Slope, said… “I think we are being hoodwinked … I consider myself an amateur historian of the area. The Statue of Minerva was pulled out of obscurity for the sole purpose of stopping construction projects in the South Slope.

Discuss: Developers Run Amok in South Slope [Park Slope Message Boards]

On the Coming Park Slope Restaurant Shakedown

Pictured: The people from Minnow were handing out
free oysters on the half shell in a Katrina relief fundraiser at the

Grand Army Plaza greenmarket this past Saturday

Famdoc wrote in the Park Slope Message Boards: “Long-time Park Slope residents can recall when the nabe was a wasteland, restaurant-wise. Any decent restaurant was doomed by boomers who preferred fast-food or trips to Manhattan.”

“Then came Cucina. And Al Di La. And Blue Ribbon. And Cocotte. And Belleville. And The Minnow. And now the explosion. What is clear is that the large number of restaurants on Fifth Ave. and the new additions on Seventh cannot all survive. How will things shake down? Well, people vote with their pocketbooks …”

“Tastes change, but PS is full of people with sophisticated taste. What tasted good at Belleville two years ago doesn’t taste as good now that you’ve tried Stone Park. Al Di La still creates masterpieces. Blue Ribbon’s fish is fresher than almost anywhere, except maybe The Minnow. A half-dozen sushi chefs around the slope create inventive sushi. Everyone likes to try the new place.”

“What’s a person to do? Look for creativity. Look for value. Look for ambience. If you’re 25 years old and want to drink, ambience means crowds and noise. If, like me, you’re in your forties and accustomed to NYC restaurants, you want a quiet room, the ability to see and hear your dining companion, fresh, inventive food and good wine.”

“Communicate with fellow PSers about your experiences. This blog is one forum. An even better forum is Don’t be afraid to tell a waitperson, host or owner what you liked and what you didn’t like about their restaurant. (I’ve eaten at Stone Park frequently since they opened. Following last year’s two star NYTimes review, they copped an attitude, which only got more unpleasant during Brooklyn restaurant week. I shared my concern with a hostess and was happy to see things revert back to the old warmth I expected there).”

“A year from now, at least a dozen PS restaurants will be out of business. That leaves three dozen to thrive and thrill our tastebuds. Support the restaurants that please you.”

Posted in the thread “Sette on 7th – ick” [Park Slope Message Boards]

Car Torched on Garfield Place

Whew! Pat writes in the Park Slope Message Boards: “Okay, folks — very early this morning (3am-ish, 9/29) somebody torched a car on Garfield Place just west of 6th Ave. Is this a badge of honor? Are we now as ‘edgy’ as Prospect Heights? Ooooooh, what a thrill. My condolences to the owner of what used to be a snappy white rag-top.”

Dean St. Still “Street” Enough for Car Bombs [Daily Heights]
Car Bomb Helps NYC to Reach New Levels of Edgy []

PICTURED: Recent car fire in Prospect Heights, on Dean St. across from the Newswalk condos. Rumor has it that it was intentionally set.

TONIGHT: Adventures on the Gowanus Canal with GARBAGE LAND Author


Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn writes in the Park Slope Message Boards: Come hear Elizabeth Royte read excerpt from her great book Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash. Hear about her amazing adventures in a canoe on the Gowanus Canal. This thought provoking book is important AND beautifully written. Can’t put it down cause it answers the staggering question: Where does my garbage go?

Tonight 9/29; The Old Stone House at JJ Byrne Park in Park Slope. Fifth Avenue between 3rd and 4th Sts. 718-288-4290. Free. Refreshments and books available. Find out about more readings at

Faith in Humanity: RESTORED

dw438 writes in the Park Slope Message Boards: “I’m amazed, happy and proud of my fellow Slopers …”

“On Monday, I misplaced my bank statement and cable TV bill on 3rd Street near 7th Avenue. I imagined the worst. Identity theft up the wazoo. Made all the right calls, cancelled the credit cards, put the bank on alert, (same bank account for 25 years god love ’em) and called Time Warner for a duplicate bill.”

“Open my mail box this afternoon, and lo and behold both letters were there. Re-postmarked. Unopened. Some god took them across the street to the post office annex and remailed them.”

How many people have bought a paper shredder within the past 2 years? For the first time? I know Prospect Heights had a problem recently with a very identifiable Identity Thief making the rounds (and spotted frequently inside a Flatbush Ave. business).

LINK: Park Slope = Nice People [Park Slope Message Boards: ]

FINALLY! New Films at Flatbush Pavilion

Sarah from the Slope sent in this shot of the which has been “improved” by local movie buffs: “This was sent to me from my husband’s cell phone … I guess some artist-poets-vandals finally got tired of wondering when “Man on Fire” and “Van Helsing” would actually close… though I think the poet-vandals must have added some letters of their own, right? Or am I mis-remembering the movies that were on there before?”


Discuss: Van Helsing Vandals Strike! [dailyslope/dailyheights message boards]

Park Slope Restaurants That Suck?

Brace yourself for an extraordinary amount of hating on restaurants, old and new, in the Park Slope Message Boards.

Not even Aunt Suzie’s can escape the wrath: ” I would not recommend Aunt Suzies…” and: “I would never recommend Aunt Suzie’s, let alone for a special dinner…” and: ” I would also say a big no to Aunt Suzie…” and: “Aunt Suzie’s reminds me of the successful but soulless restaurant in ‘Big Night’… Almost anyone I know, and most pizza parlors, can make better red sauce…” and: “Plenty of folks love it because it’s cheap, and they don’t know what Italian food can taste like…” and: “Aunt Suzie’s is disgusting. Fun, family kind of place, but truly gross food… like ketchup on pasta.

With picky people like these, why would anyone even bother to open a restaurant in Park Slope that’s less than excellent? Well, that may be exactly what has happened–twice–on a certain streetcorner:

I’ve been intrigued by the dueling new restaurants on 7th and 3rd: Sette and Miracle Grill… We got the perfect outdoor table on the perfect balmy summer evening (at Settee) and then were promptly disappointed by truly mediocre food…

And this: “I had brunch at Miracle Grill a few weeks ago – it was terrible. I had Huevos Rancheros, which was a poached egg on a tortilla, with a small bit of salsa. No beans, no cheese, no sour cream. It sucked…

And on and on:

Sette on 7th: Ick [Park Slope Message Boards]
Special Occasion Dinner (Aunt Suzie’s?) [Park Slope Message Boards]

UPDATE: “It’ll Only Take a Minute”

222-Vinicia.JPGFrom the Daily News: “A jilted lover who stalked his ex-girlfriend for two weeks erupted in a murderous rage yesterday – fatally shooting her and then himself at the hair salon she owned in Brooklyn … ‘I need to talk to you,’ Jorge Peguero, 54, told Vinicia (Dolores) Baez, 43, when he showed up at her Park Slope beauty parlor with a 9-mm. Glock hidden under his clothes.”

“It’ll only take a minute.”


SOURCE: Brooklyn Salon Owner Slain; Jilted lover kills ex & turns gun on self [NY Daily News]

DISCUSS: Park Slope Message Boards

Park Slope “Gets Comfy” with Futura Bistro Modern

GioDiego.jpgAnyone been to Borgo Antico in Greenwich Village? Owner Giovanni Iovine (pictured, with Diego) and wife Lisa LoBue are opening “Futura Bistro Modern” on 9th St. in Park Slope. Partner in the venture is Davor Petrovic. Seems like Futura will be “affordable eats” and “comfort fare” that is “strongly influenced by the duo’s Argentine and Italian heritage” matched with wines from Italy, France, Argentina and the United States. Grand Opening is Sunday, Oct. 2nd at 6 pm.

Futura Bistro Modern | 287 9th Street, Park Slope, Brooklyn, 11215. 718.832.0085.
Hours: 12:00pm-midnight daily; brunch on Saturdays and Sundays.

Discuss: Park Slope Message Boards